Malevich: Pre 1935 Selected Exhibitions

1905Vystavka kartin moskovskikh i inogorodnikh khudozhnikov [Exhibition of Paintings by Artists of Moscow and Other Cities], Kursk.¹ ²
190625-aia periodicheskaia vystavka Moskovskogo obshchestva liubitelei khudozhestv [25th Periodical Exhibition of the Moscow Society of Art Lovers], Moscow, 2–29 January.¹ ²
1907Moskovskoe tovarishchestvo khudozhnikov: XIV vystavka [Moscow Fellowship of Artists: XIV Exhibition], Moscow, from 25 March.¹ ²
1907–1908Pervaia vystavka kartin “Nezavisimykh” [First Exhibition of Paintings by the Independents], Moscow, December 1907–January 1908.¹ ²
1908Moskovskoe tovarishchestvo khudozhnikov: XV vystavka [Moscow Fellowship of Artists: XV Exhibition], Moscow, 24 January–1 March.¹ ²


27-aia periodicheskaia vystavka Moskovskogo obshchestva liubitelei khudozhestv [27th Periodical Exhibition of the Moscow Society of Art Lovers], Moscow, from 17 February.¹

1908–1909Moskovskoe tovarishchestvo khudozhnikov: XVI vystavka [Moscow Fellowship of Artists: XVI Exhibition], Moscow, 26 December 1908–8 February 1909.¹ ²
1909Vystavka v khudozhestvennoi shkole F. Rerberga [Exhibition of the Rerberg School of Art], Moscow, 22–25 March.¹


Vystavka Ekaterinoslavskogo nauchnogo obshchestva [Exhibition of the Ekaterinoslav Scientific Society], Ekaterinoslav, 20 April–3 June.¹ ²

1909–1910Moskovskoe tovarishchestvo khudozhnikov: XVII vystavka [Moscow Fellowship of Artists: XVII Exhibition], Moscow, 25 December 1909–January 1910.¹ ²
1910Tovarishchestvo kurskikh khudozhnikov: vystavka kartin i etiudov [Kursk Fellowship of Artists: Exhibition of Paintings and Sketches], Kursk, from 11 April.¹ ²
1910–1911Moskovskoe tovarishchestvo khudozhnikov: vystavka akvarelei i eskizov [Moscow Fellowship of Artists: Exhibition of Watercolors and Sketches], Moscow, 4 December 1910–2 January 1911.¹ ²


Vystavka Bubnovyi Valet [Jack/Knave of Diamonds exhibition], Moscow, 10 December 1910–17 January 1911.¹ ²

1911Vystavka zhivopisi, skulptury i arkhitektury obshchestva khudozhnikov “Moskovskii Salon” [Moscow Salon: Exhibition of Paintings, Sculptures, and Architecture], Moscow, 10 February–27 March.¹ ²


Vystavka kartin obshchestva khudozhnikov “Soiuz Molodezhi” [Union of Youth Exhibition of Paintings], St. Petersburg, 13 April–10 May.¹ ²

1912Vystavka kartin obshchestva khudozhnikov “Soiuz Molodezhi” [Union of Youth Exhibition of Paintings], St. Petersburg, from 1 January.¹ ²


Der Blau Reiter. Schwarz-Weiß: die zweite Ausstellung der Redaktion [Black and White: Second Exhibition of the Editorial Board of the Blue Rider], Munich, 12 February–30 April.¹ ²

Vystavka kartin Oslinyi Khvost [Donkey’s Tail Exhibition of Paintings], Moscow, 11 March–8 April.¹ ²

Vystavka kartin sovremennykh russkikh khudozhnikov [Contemporary Russian Painters: Exhibition of Paintings], Kaluga, 26 March –15 April.¹ ²

1912–1913Soiuz Molodezhi [Union of Youth], St. Petersburg, 4 December 1912–10 January 1913.¹ ²


Pervaia vystavka obshchestva “Svobodnoe iskusstvo”: sovremennaia zhivopis’ [First Exhibition of the Free Art Society: Contemporary Paintings], Moscow, 26 December 1912–30 January 1913.¹ ²

1913Mishen’ [Target], Moscow, 24 March–7 April.¹ ²
1913–1914Soiuz Molodezhi [Union of Youth], St. Petersburg, 10 November 1913–10 January 1914.¹ ²
1914Vtoraia vystavka: Sovremennaia zhivopis’ [Second Exhibition of Contemporary Paintings], Moscow, 8 January–13 February.¹ ²


Bubnovyi Valet [Jack/Knave of Diamonds], Moscow, 5 February–2 March.¹ ²

Salon des Indépendants, Paris, 1 March–30 April.¹ ²

Voina i pechat’ [War and the Press], Petrograd, 20 November–8 December.¹

Vtoraia Elisavetgradskaia khudozhectvennaia vystavka [Second Elisavetgrad Art Exhibition], Elisavetgrad.²

1914–1915Khudozhniki: tovarishcham voinam [Artists: To Our Comrade Soldiers], Moscow, 30 November 1914–1 January 1915.¹ ²


Khudozhnitsy Moskvy – zhertvam voiny [Women Artists of Moscow for the Victims of War], Moscow, 26 December 1914–31 January 1915.¹ ²

1915Tramvai V: Pervaia futuristicheskaia vystavka kartin [Tram V: First Futurist Exhibition of Paintings], Petrograd, 3 March–12 April.¹ ²


Vystavka 1915 god [The 1915 Exhibition], Moscow, 23 March – 5 April.¹

Pervaia vystavka sovremennogo dekorativnogo iskusstva [First Exhibition of Contemporary Decorative Arts], Moscow, 6 November–8 December.¹ ²

Vystavka “Pamiatniki russkogo teatra” iz sobraniia L. I. Zheverzheeva [Exhibition of Russian Theatrical Memorabilia from the Collection of L. I. Zheverzheeva], Petrograd, 2 – 16 December.¹ ²

1915–1916Poslednaia futuristicheskaia vystavka kartin, 0,10 (nol’- desiat’) [Last Futurist Exhibition of Paintings 0.10 (Zero-Ten)], Petrograd, 19 December 1915–19 January1916.¹ ²
1916Futuristicheskaia vystavka: Magazin [Futurist Exhibition: The Store], Moscow, 19 March–20 April.¹ ²


Vystavka kartin russkikh i pol’skikh khudozhnikov ustroennaia v pol’zu postradavshikh ot voiny poliakov [Exhibition of Paintings by Russian and Polish Artists for the Benefit of Polish Victims of War], Moscow, 11 April–6 May.¹ ²

Bubnovyi Valet [Jack/Knave of Diamonds], Moscow, 6 November–19 December.¹ ²

1917Auktsion-vystavka [Auction-Exhibition], Moscow, 24 April.¹ ²


Bubnovyi Valet [Jack/Knave of Diamonds], Moscow, 16 November–3 December.¹ ²

Vtoraia vystavka sovremennogo dekorativnogo iskusstva “Verbovka” [Verbovka: Second Exhibition of Contemporary Decorative Arts], Moscow, 6–19 December.¹ ²

1918Vystavka kartin i risunkov moskovskikh futuristov [Exhibition of Paintings and Drawings by the Moscow Futurists], Tbilisi, 15–17 April.¹ ²
191910-aia gos. vystavka: Bespredmetnoe tvorchestvo i suprematizm [Tenth State Exhibition: Objectless Art and Suprematism], Moscow, 27 April –30 May.¹ ²


Pervaia gos. [udarstvennaia] vystavka kartin mestnykh i moskovskikh khudozhnikov [First State Exhibition of Paintings by Local and Moscow Artists], Vitebsk, 8 November–22 December.¹ ²

192016-aia gos. vystavka: Personal’naia vystavka K. Malevicha: Ego put’ ot impressionizma k suprematizmu [Sixteenth State Exhibition: Solo Exhibition of K. Malevich: His Journey from Impressionism to Suprematism], Moscow, from 25 March.¹


Pervaia vystavka gruppy Unovis [First Exhibition of the Unovis Group], Vitebsk, February.¹

Pervaia vserossiiskaia konferentsiia uchitelei i uchashchikhsia v khudozhestvennykh shkolakh [First All-Russian Conference of Art School Teachers and Students], Moscow, June.¹

Iskusstvo i revoliutsiia [Art and the Revolution], Vitebsk, from 7 November.¹

1921Vtoraia vystavka Unovis [The Second Exhibition of Unovis], Vitebsk, from 28 March.¹


Bez nazvaniia [Untitled], Moscow, 4–8 June.¹

Vystavka organizovannaia po sluchaiu III kongressa Kominterna [Exhibition organized on the Occasion of the Third Congress of the Communist International], Moscow, June – July.¹

Bez nazvaniia [Untitled], Moscow, 20–21 December.¹

1922Otchetnaia vserossiiskaia vystavka uchashchikhsia v khudozhestvennykh shkolakh v provintsii [All-Russian Survey Exhibition of Students in Provincial Art Schools], Moscow, March–April.¹


Obzor novykh techenii v iskusstve [Survey of New Tendencies in Art], Petrograd, from 15 June.¹

Erste Russiche Kunstausstellung [The First Russian Art Exhibition], Berlin, 15 October–31 December and Amsterdam, from January 1923.¹ ²

Unovis, vystavka no. 3 [Unovis: Exhibition No. 3], Vitebsk, 14–20 May.¹

1923Erste Russische Kunstaustellung [First Russian Art Exhibition], Amsterdam, 28 April–May.¹ ²


Kazimir Malevich – 25 let raboty [Kazimir Malevich – 25 Years of Work], Moscow, January–February.¹

Vystavka kartin Petrogradskikh kudozhnikov vsekh napravlenii, 1918-1923 [Exhibition of Works by Petrograd Artists of All Trends, 1918–1923], Petrograd, 15 May–1 August.¹ ²

1924Modern Russian Artists: The 17th Exhibition of Modern Art of the Société Anonyme, New York, 13 February–6 March.¹


Obzor deiatel’nosti Muzeia Khudozhestvennoi Kultury [Survey of the Activities of the Museum of Artistic Culture], Leningrad, 35 May–8 June.¹

XIV Esposizione Internationale d’arte della citta di Venezia [XIV Venice Biennale], Venice, 16 June–30 September.¹ ²

1925Exposition internationale des arts décoratifs et industries modernes [International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts], Paris, from 28 April.¹


Levye techenia v russkoi zhivopisi za 15 let [Leftist Trends in Russian Painting of the Last 15 Years], Moscow, from 13 September.¹

1925–1926Pervaia otchetnaia vystavka Glavnauki Narkomprosa [First Survey Exhibition by the Scientific Section of the People’s Commissariat for Education], Moscow, 29 November 1925–31 January 1926.¹
1926Pierwsza mieszynarodowa wystawa architektury nowoczesnej [First International Exhibition of Modern Architecture], Warsaw, 27 February–25 March.¹


Philadelphia Sesquicentennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1 June–1 December.¹

Otchetnaia vystavka rabot INKhUKa za 1925–1926 uchebnii god [Survey Exhibition of the Institute of Artistic Culture’s Work for the Academic Year 1925–1926], Leningrad, 15 June–1 July.¹

Vystavka zhivopisi, grafiki, skuptury, i arkhitektury: Obshchestvo khudozhnikov “4 iskusstva” [Exhibition of Painting, Graphics, Sculpture, and Architecture: The 4 Arts Association of Artists], Moscow, from 31 October.¹ ²

Sovetskii farfor [Soviet Porcelain], Moscow, 25 November–12 December.¹

1927Wystawa Kazimierza Malewicza [Solo Exhibition of Kazmir Malevich], Warsaw, 20–27 March.¹


Sonderausstellung Malewitsch [Solo Exhibition of Kazimir Malevich], Berlin, 7 May–30 September.¹ ²

Mostra Internazionale della Arti Decorative [International Exhibition of Decorative Arts], Monza, 31 May–31 July.¹

Werkbund – Ausstellung die Wohnung, international Plan und Modellausstellung neuer Baukunst [International Plan and Model Exhibition of New Architecture by the Werkbund], Stuttgart, 23 July–9 October.¹

Vystavka noveishikh techenii v iskusstve [Exhibition of the Latest Trends in Art], Leningrad, from 1 November.¹

19281-aia otchetnaia vystavka prikladnogo iskusstvoznaniia [First Exhibition of the History of Applied Arts], Leningrad, February.¹


Salon modernistow [Modernists’ Salon], Warsaw, from 10 March.¹

Große Berliner Kunstausstellung [The Great Berlin Art Exhibition], Berlin, June.¹

Vystavka priobretenii gos. komissii po priobreteniiam proizvedenii izobrazitelnogo iskusstva za 1927-28 g. [Exhibition of Works Acquired by the State Commission for the Acquisition of Visual Art,1927–1928], Moscow, fall.¹ ²

1929Vystavka proizvedenii K. Malevicha [Exhibition of Works by K. Malevich], Moscow, from 1 November.¹


Vystavka priobretenii za 1928–1929 [Exhibition of Acquisitions, 1928–1929], Moscow, December.¹

Abstrakte und surrealistische Malerei und Plastik [Abstract and Surrealist Painting and Sculpture], Zurich, 6 October–3 November.¹ ²

1930Bez nazvaniia (Personal’naia vystavka) [Untitled (Solo Exhibition)], Kiev, 1 February–July.¹


Vystavka priobretenii gos. komissii po priobreteniiam proizvedenii izobrazitel’nogo iskusstva za 1929–1930 g. [Exhibition of Works Acquired by the State Commission for the Acquisition of Visual Art, 1929–1930], Moscow, June.¹ ²

Russische Kunst von Heute [Russian Art of Today], Vienna, October–November.¹ ²

Sowjetmalerei [Soviet Painting], Berlin, July.¹ ²

1931Iskusstvo epokhi imperializma [Art of the Imperialist Period], Leningrad, from 15 June.¹


Burzhuaznoe izkusstvo v tupike [The Blind Alley of Bourgeois Art], Moscow, fall.¹

1932Exhibition of Russian Painting and Sculpture: Realism to Surrealism, Wilmington, Delaware, 11–31 January.¹ ²
1932–1933Khudozhniki RSFSR za 15 let [Artists of the RSFSR over 15 Years], Leningrad, November 1932–May 1933.¹ ²
1933Vystavka proizvedenii khudozhnikov-turistov [Exhibition of Works by Artist-Tourists], Leningrad, 18 June.¹
1933–1934Khudozhniki RSFSR za 15 let [Artists of the RSFSR over 15 Years], Leningrad, Moscow, June 1933 –February 1934.¹
1934Zhenshchina v sotsialisticheskom stroitel’stve [Woman in Socialist Construction], Leningrad, from 24 April.¹ ²


Vystavka farfora, faiansa i stekla [Exhibition of Porcelain, Earthenware, and Glass], Moscow, from 12 April.¹

1935Pervaia vystavka Leningradskikh khudozhnikov [First Exhibition of Leningrad Artists], Leningrad, from 24 April.¹ ²

Note: Solo exhibitions are in bold.

This list was compiled using the following sources:

  1. Nakov, Andrei B, and Kazimir S. Malevich, Kazimir Malewicz: Catalogue Raisonné (Paris: A. Biro, 2002).
  2. Vakar, Irina and Tatiana Mikhienko. Malevich o sebe, Sovremenniki o Maleviche: pis’ma, dokumenty, vospominaniia, kritika [Malevich about Himself; Contemporaries about Malevich: Letters, Documents, Memoirs, Criticism], 2 vols. (Moscow: RA, 2004). English translation: Kazimir Malevich, Letters, Documents, Memoirs and Criticism, Russian edition: eds., Irina A. Vakar and Tatiana N. Mikhienko; English edition: trans. Antonina W. Bouis, ed. Wendy Salmond, general ed. Charlotte Douglas, 2 vols. (London: Tate Publishing, 2015).

Cities are given according to their name at the time. Hence St. Petersburg is cited as Petrograd from 1 September 1914 until 26 January 1924, when it became Leningrad, which it remained until 7 September 1991 when it returned to its former name of St Petersburg.

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