Writings by Malevich, published in his lifetime.
Titles are given in the language of publication. English translations are given after Russian titles and wherever appropriate.
Books and independent publications
Malevich, Kazimir. Ot kubizma k suprematizmu: Novyi zhivopisnyi realizm. [From Cubism to Suprematism. The New Painterly Realism]. Petrograd: Zhurval’, 1915.
Malevich, Kazimir, Ivan Kliun, and Mikhail Men’kov. Listovka s manifestami, izdannaia k otkrytiiu poslednei futuristicheskoi vystavki kartin ‘0,10’. [Sheet with Manifestos, published for the Opening of the Last Futurist Exhibition of Paintings, 0.10] Petrograd: 1915.
Kruchenykh, Aleksei, Ivan Kliun, and Kazimir Malevich. Tainye poroki akademikov. [Secret Vices of the Academicians]. Moscow: Budetlian, 1916.
Malevich, Kazimir. Ot kubizma i futurizma k suprematizmu: Novyi zhivopisnyi realizm. [From Cubism and Futurism to Suprematism: The New Painterly Realism]. 2nd ed. Petrograd: Zhurval’, 1916.
———. Ot kubizma k suprematizmu: Novyi zhivopisnyi realizm. [From Cubism and Futurism to Suprematism: The New Painterly Realism]. 3rd ed. Moscow: Obshchestvennaia pol’za, 1916.
Malevich, Kazimir. Listovka Khudozhestvennoi sektsii Kulturno-prosvetitel’skogo otdela Soveta soldatskikh deputatov. Moscow: Oktiabr’, 1917.
Malevich, Kazimir. O novykh sistemakh v iskusstve. Statika i skorost’. Ustanovlenie A. [On New Systems in Art: Stasis and Speed. Resolution A in Art]. Vitebsk: Artel’ khudozhestvennogo truda pri Vitsvomase, 1919.
Malevich, Kazimir. Ot Sezanna do suprematizma: kriticheskii ocherk. [From Cézanne to Suprematism: Critical Essay]. Moscow: Otdel Izobrazitel’nykh Iskusstv Narkomprosa, 1920.
———. Suprematizm, 34 risunka. [Suprematism: 34 Drawings]. Vitebsk: Unovis, 1920.
Malevich, Kazimir. K voprosu izobrazitel’nogo iskusstva. [Towards the Question of the Fine Arts]. Smolensk: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel’stvo, 1921.
Malevich, Kazimir. Bog ne skinut. Iskusstvo, tserkov’, fabrika. [God is Not Cast Down. Art, the Church and the Factory]. Vitebsk: Unovis, 1922.
Malewitsch, Kasimir. Die gegenstandslose Welt. [In German]. Bauchausbücher. Vol. 11, München: Albert Langen Verlag, 1927.
Articles and statements in books, journals, and exhibition catalogues
Matiushin, Mikhail, Aleksei Kruchenykh, and Kazimir Malevich. “Pervyi vserossiiskii s’ezd baiachei budushchego (poetov-futuristov). Zasedaniia 18 i 19-ogo iiulia 1913 goda v Usikirko (Finlandiia).” [The First All-Russian Congress of Bards of the Future (Futurist Poets). Meetings on 18 and 19 July 1913 in Ussikkirk (Finland)]. Za 7 dnei (St. Petersburg), no. 28 (122), (15 August 1913): 605-606.
Malevich, Kazimir. “Otmezhevavshiesia ot Larionova. Pis’mo v redaktsiiu.” [Breaking with Larionov. Letter to the Editor]. Nov’ (Moscow), no. 12 (28 January 1914): 5.
Malevich, Kazimir, Aleksandra Ekster, Artur Lurie, Nikolai Kulbin, Vladimir Mayakovsky, et al. “Paskha u futuristov. Paskhal’nye pozhelaniia.” [Easter with the Futurists. Easter Wishes]. Sinii zhurnal, (Petrograd), no. 12 (21 March 1915): 7.
Gan, Aleksei, Aleksei Morgunov, and Kazimir Malevich. “Zadachi iskusstva i rol’ dushitelei iskusstva.” [Art’s Tasks and the Role of Art’s Oppressors]. Anarkhiia (Moscow), no. 25 (23 March 1918): 4.
Malevich, Kazimir. “Arkhitektura kak poshchechina zhelezo-betonu.” [Architecture as a Slap in the Face of Ferro-Concrete]. Iskusstvo kommuny (Petrograd), no. 1 (1918): 2-3.
———. “K novomu liku.” [Towards a New Face]. Anarkhiia (Moscow), no. 28 (27 March 1918): 4.
———. “Otvet.” [Answer]. Anarkhiia (Moscow), no. 29 (28 March 1918): 4.
———. “K novoi grani.” [Toward New Borders]. Anarkhiia (Moscow), no. 31 (30 March 1918): 4.
———. “Mertvaia palochka.” [A Little Dead Stick]. Anarkhiia (Moscow), no. 33 (1 April 1918): 4.
———. “Arkhitektura kak poshchechina zhelezo-betonu.” [Architecture as a Slap in the Face of Ferro-Concrete]. Anarkhiia (Moscow), no. 37 (6 April 1918).
———. “K priezdu vol’tero-terroristov iz Peterburga.” [On the Arrival of the Voltairian Terrorists from St. Petersburg]. Anarkhiia (Moscow), no. 41 (11 April 1918): 4.
———. “Gosudarstvennikam ot iskusstva.” [To State Officials from Art]. Anarkhiia (Moscow), no. 53 (4 May 1918): 4.
———. “V gosudarstve iskusstv.” [In the Kingdom of the Arts]. Anarkhiia (Moscow), no. 54 (9 May1918): 4.
———. “Futurizm.” [Futurism]. Anarkhiia (Moscow), no. 57 (12 May 1918): 4.
———. “Put’ iskusstva bez tvorchestva.” [The Path of Art without Creativity]. Anarkhiia (Moscow), no. 72 (30 May 1918): 4; no. 73 (31 May 1918): 4; no. 74 (1 June 1918): 4; no. 75 (2 June 1918): 4; and no. 76 (4 June 1918): 4.
———. “Perelom.” [A Breakthrough]. Anarkhiia (Moscow), no. 77 (5 June 1918): 4.
———. “Ia prishel.” [I Have Arrived]. Anarkhiia (Moscow), no. 79 (7 June 1918): 4.
———. “Rodonachalo suprematizma.” [The Origin of Suprematism]. Anarkhiia (Moscow), no. 81 (9 June 1918): 4.
———. “Mir miasa i kosti ushel.” [The World of Flesh and Bones has Gone]. Anarkhiia (Moscow), no. 83 (11 June 1918): 4.
———.”Obruchennye kol’tsom gorizonta.” [Surrounded by the Circle of the Horizon]. Anarkhiia (Moscow), no. 84 (12 June 1918): 4.
———. “Vystavka professional’nogo soiuza khudozhnikov-zhivopistsev. Levaia federatsiia (molodaia fraktsiia).” [The Exhibition of the Professional Union of Artist-Painters. The Left Federation (Young Faction)]. Anarkhiia (Moscow), no. 89 (20 June 1918): 4.
———. “Deklaratsiia prav khudozhnika.” [Declaration of the Artist’s Rights]. Anarkhiia (Moscow), no. 92 (23 June 1918): 4.
Meierkhold, Vsevolod, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Pavel Lebedev, Kazimir Malevich, Levkii Zheverzheev, et al. “Obrashchenie k akteram.” [Address to Actors]. Severnaia kommuna (Petrograd), no. 21 (1918).
Malevich, Kazimir. “Prezhduprezhdenie” [A Warning], Iskusstvo, no. 1 (5 January 1919).
———. “Izveshchenie glavnogo mastera svobodnykh gosudarstvennykh khudozhestvennykh masterskikh.” [Advice from a Senior Master at the State Free Art Studios]. Iskusstvo (Moscow), no. 1 (5 January 1919).
———. “Nashi zadachi.” [Our Tasks]. Izobrazitel’noe iskusstvo (Petrograd), no. 1 (1919): 27-29.
———. “Nerukotvornye pamiatniki.” [Monuments Not Made by Human Hands]. Iskusstvo kommuny (Petrograd), no. 10 (1919).
———. “O muzee.” [On the Museum]. Iskusstvo kommuny (Petrograd), no. 12 (1919).
———. “O poezii.” [On Poetry]. Izobrazitel’noe iskusstvo (Petrograd), no. 1 (1919): 31-35.
———. “Os’ tsveta i ob’ema.” [The Axis of Color and Volume]. Izobrazitel’noe iskusstvo (Petrograd), no. 1 (1919): 27-30.
———. “Suprematizm.” [Suprematism]. In Katalog desiatoi Gosudarstvennoi vystavki: Bespredmetnoe tvorchestvo i suprematizm. [Catalogue of the Tenth State Exhibition: Objectless Creation and Suprematism], Moscow, 1919, 16-20.
———. “Suprematizm (kvadrat, krug, semafor sovremennosti).” [Suprematism (The Square, The Circle, the Semaphore of Modernity)]. In Revoliutsionnoe iskusstvo, Vitebsk, 1919.
———. “Deklaratsiia.” [Declaration]. Al’manakh ‘Unovis’ No. 1. Vitebsk: Unovis, 1920, 5-6.
———. “K chistomu deistvu.” [Towards Pure Action]. Al’manakh ‘Unovis’ No. 1. Vitebsk: Unovis, 1920, 2-3.
———. “O ‘ia’ i o kollektive.” [On ‘I’ and the Collective]. Al’manakh ‘Unovis’ No. 1. Vitebsk: Unovis, 1920, 6-10.
———. “Unom 1.” [Unom 1]. Al’manakh ‘Unovis’ No. 1. Vitebsk: Unovis, 1920, 11.
———. “O partii v iskusstve.” [On the Party in Art]. Put’ Unovisa (Vitebsk), no. 1 (January 1921): 1-5.
———. “Unovis.” [Unovis]. Iskusstvo (Vitebsk), no. 1 (1921): 9-10.
———. “Suprematizmus.” [Suprematizm: in Hungarian]. Egyseg, Irodalom, Művészet (Vienna), no. 3 (1922): 5-6.
———. “Zakoni nove umetnosti.” [The Laws of the New Art: in Serbo Croat]. Zenit (Zagreb), no. 17/17 (1922): 53-54.
———. “Russkii muzei. K obmenu khudozhestvennykh proizvedenii mezhdu Moskvoi i Petrogradom.” [The Russian Museum: Concerning the Exchange of Works between Moscow and Petrograd]. Zhizn’ iskusstva (Petrograd), no. 16 (891) (24 April 1923): 13-14.
———. “Extra Dry’ (denaturat).” [‘Extra Dry’ (Methylated Spirits)]. Zhizn’ iskusstva (Petrograd), no. 18 (893) (8 May 1923): 17-18.
———. “Suprematicheskoe zerkalo.” [The Suprematist Mirror]. Zhizn’ iskusstva (Petrograd), no. 20 (895) (22 May 1923): 15-16.
———. “Van’ka-vstan’ka.” [The Tumbler]. Zhizn’ iskusstva (Petrograd), no. 21 (896) (29 May 1923): 15-16.
———. “Khudozhniki ob AKhRR.” [Artists on AKhRR]. Zhizn’ iskusstva (Petrograd), no. 6 (980) (1924): 24.
Malewitsch, Kasimir. “Lenin (Aus dem Buch ‘Über das Ungegenständliche’).” Das Kunstblatt (Berlin), no. 10 (1924): 289-293.
Malewicz, Kazimierz. “O Sztuce.” [On Art]. Blok: Czasopismo awangardy artystycznej (Warsaw), no. 2 (April 1924): 6-7; no. 3-4 (June 1924): 15-16; and no. 8-9 (December 1924): 10-11.
Malewitsch, K. “Alles was schafft…”. [In German and French]. Merz (Hannover), no. 8-9 “Nasci” (April-July 1924): 74.
Malevich, Kazimir. “Otkrytoe pis’mo gollandskim khudozhnikam Van-Gogu i Bekmanu.” [Open Letter to the Dutch Artists van’t Hoff and Beekman]. Zhizn’ iskusstva (Petrograd), no. 50 (9 December 1924): 13-14.
Malewitsch, Kasimir. “Betrachtungen.” In Kunstlerbekentnisse, ed. Paul Westheim. Berlin: Propläen Verlag, 1925, 355.
———. “Suprematismus.” In Europa Almanach ed. Carl Einstein and Paul Westheim. Potsdam: Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag, 1925, 142-144.
———. “Suprematismus.” [In German, French, and English]. In Die Kunstismen, ed. Hans Arp and El Lissitzky. Zurich: Eugen Rentsch Verlag, 1925, ix.
———.“I likuiut liki na ekranakh.” [And Images on Screen are Celebrated]. Kino-zhurnal A.R.K. (Moscow), no. 10 (1925): 7-9.
———. “O vyiaviteliakh. Plakaty” [On Identifiers. Posters]. Kino-zhurnal A.R.K. (Moscow), no. 6-7 (1925): 6-8.
———. “Khudozhnik i kino.” [The Artist and the Cinema]. Kino-zhurnal A.R.K. (Moscow), no. 2 (1926): 15-17.
Malewitsch, K. “Aus: Die neunen Systemen in der Kunst”. G. Zeitschrift für elementare Gestaltung (Berlin), no. 4 (March 1926): 3-4.
Malewicz, Kazimierz. “L’univers conçu sans objets.” [in French] Praesens (Warsaw), no. 1 (June 1926): 1-2.
———. “Swiat jako bezprzedmiotowosc: Fragmenty.” [The World as Objectlessness: Fragments]. Praesens (Warsaw), no. 1 (June 1926): 34-40.
Malewitsch, Kasimir. “Suprematische Architektur.” Wasmuths Monatshefte für Baukunst und Stadtebau (Berlin), no. 10 (1927): 412-414.
Malévitch, Kazimir. “Le temps actuel est l’époque des analyses.” L’Architecture vivante (Paris), no. Spring-Summer (1927): 8.
Malewicz, Kazimierz. “Deformacja w kubizmie.” [Distortion in Cubism]. Zwrotnica (Cracow), no. 12 (December 1927): 254-55.
Malewitsch, Kasimir. “Zuschrift von K. Malewitsch.” Wasmuths Monatshefte für Baukunst und Stadtebau (Berlin), no. 3 (1928): 169-70.
Malevich, Kazimir. “Forma, tsvet i oshchushchenie.” [Form, Color and Sensation]. Sovremennaia arkhitektura (Moscow), no. 5 (1928): 157-59.
———. “Pis’mo v redaktsiiu.” [Letter to the Editor]. Sovremennaia arkhitektura (Moscow), no. 5 (1928).
———. “Maliarstvo v problemi arkhitekturi.” [Painting in Relation to the Problem of Architecture]. Nova generatsiia (Kharkiv), no. 2 (1928): 116-24.
———. “Teoriya suchasnoï zakhidn’oi arkhitekturi”. [The Theory of Contemporary Western Architecture]. Nova generatsiia (Kharkiv), no. 4 (1928): 306-308.
———. “Analiz novogo ta obrazotvorchogo mistetstva (Pol’ Sezann).” [An Analysis of the New Art and the Art of Form-Making – Paul Cézanne]. Nova generatsiia (Kharkiv), no. 6 (1928): 438-447.
———. “Nove mistetstvo i mistetstvo obrazotvorche.” [The New Art and the Art of Form-Making]. Nova generatsiia (Kharkiv), no. 9 (1928): 117-85; and no. 12 (1928): 411-418.
Malévitch, Kazimir. “[Suprématisme]… la couleur est pour le suprématisme…”. L’Architecture vivante (Paris), no. Spring-Summer (1928): 15.
Malevich, Kazimir. “Prostorovii kubizm.” Nova generatsiia (Kharkiv), no. 4 (1929): 63-67.
———. “Lezhe, Gri, Gerbin, Mettsinger.” [Léger, Gris, Herbin, Metzinger]. Nova generatsiia (Kharkiv), no. 5 (1929): 57-67.
———. “Konstruktyvne maliarstvo rosiis’kikh maliariv i konstruktivizm.” [Constructive Painting of Russian Painters and Constructivism]. Nova generatsiia (Kharkiv), no. 8 (1929): 47-54.
———. ”Konstruktyvizm i rosiiski konstruktyvisty.” [Constructivism and the Russian Constructivists]. Nova generatsiia (Kharkiv), no. 9 (1929): 53-61.
———. “Kubo-futurizm.” [Cubo-Futurism]. Nova generatsiia (Kharkiv), no. 10 (1929): 58-67.
———. “Futurizm dinamichnii i kinetichnii.” [Dynamic and Kinetic Futurism]. Nova generatsiia (Kharkiv), no. 11 (1929): 71-80.
———. “Estetika.” [Aesthetics]. Nova generatsiia (Kharkiv), no. 12 (1929): 56-58.
———. “Zhivopisnye zakony v problemakh kino.” [The Laws of Painting in relation to the Problems of the Cinema]. Kino i kul’tura, no. 7-8 (1929): 22-26.
———. “Arkhitektura, stankove maliarstvo ta skul’ptura.” [Architecture, Easel Painting, and Sculpture]. Avangard: Al’manakh proletars’kikh mittsiv novoi generatsii (Kharkiv), no. 3 (April 1930): 91-93.
———. “Sproba viznachennia zalezhnosti mizh kol’orom ta formoiu v maliarstvi.” [An Attempt to Define the Relationship between Color and Form in Painting]. Nova generatsiia (Kharkhiv), no. 6-7 (1930): 64-70; and no. 8-9 (1930): 55-60.
Malevich, Kazimir. “Manifesty K. S. Malevicha.” [The Manifestos of K. S. Malevich]. In Sovetskoe iskusstvo za 15 let: Materialy i dokumentatsiia. Moscow, Leningrad, 1933, 114-115.